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The Winter 2022-'23 Writing & Art Competition

Submissions are now closed

Submission Deadline

Febuary 20th, 2023



Award Announcements


Winners will be announced in early March 2023.


You'll receive an email from if your work is selected.


We accept submissions from high school upperclassmen, college, and graduate school students across the globe.


For more information about what types of writing and art we publish, see "Submissions" on our About page.


Submissions are free.


Winners will be announced in late February


There are two categories: literature and visual art, each being judged separately by the Ink Bowl Board.

All winners will be recognized on a separate page on the Ink Bowl website.


Please keep the competition prompt (see below) in mind before submitting.


The Master Ink Bowl Award

The Master Ink Bowl Award is the highest honor that one can receive on Ink Bowl. It is awarded to the contestant who demonstrated talent and work that exceeded those of both fields.



$120 VISA gift card

Custom Ink Bowl T-shirt


The Ink Bowl Writing Award & Ink Bowl Art Award

The prize will be given to the individual who submitted the most exceptional work in their category.



$50 VISA gift card

Custom Ink Bowl T-shirt


The Art & Writing Finalists

Finalists will receive recognition on Ink Bowl's home page.


This winter, we are looking for work that embodies a fear you have or are yet to confront. Since fear can manifest in many different ways, we give authors and artists the freedom to express it in any way they choose.


The topic of your piece can range from finite personal experiences to looming trepidation and anxieties.


You may provide an additional explanation if you believe that the significance of your art/writing may be unclear to the reader or observer out of context.


With that in mind, we look forward to getting to know you through your work.

Quick Links for Contestants

Additional Information

Guidelines for submissions can be found here. 

Please review them before submitting.


Please check all content thoroughly for grammatical and spelling efforts.


All literature must be in English.


Contestants are judged equally regardless of geographics.


There are no word limits.


Please submit your work only on this page.


See our Terms and Conditions.


Entry Is Closed

We encourage you to submit a free Publication Application, even if you missed the competition deadline.

Due to the high quantity of applications, we are currently experiencing a delay on submission review and publishing. Please expect the process to take up to 4 weeks.

Ink Bowl International Literature & Arts Publishing

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  • Instagram: inkbowlpublishing




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