I always talk about the past
I stay stuck in it
like a car stuck in a rut
Or the left over food stuck at the bottom of your pan
No matter how hard I try to acknowledge the
I cannot scrape off the past
Part of the reason I stay in the past is because I'm
scared to leave it
Just like I'm scared to leave anything
I want to preserve my memories
Because I know they will one day be nothing but
forgotten specs in my ancient mind
It hurts to know we are all nothing but ticking
Ticking away before our time is up
There is nothing you can do to slow it down
It's like putting a rock on the brakes and just letting
yourself go
I never knew the concept of time could be so real
Until I started to realize my time was up
So here I sit
Crying into my pillow every night praying to relive
the old memories
And not experience the new